Caldera Forms Getting Started: Save And Preview A Form

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This getting started guide article covers the processes of saving a new form as well as previewing a new or existing form.

Saving And Previewing A Form

Saving and Previewing a form

Steps To Saving And Previewing A New Form

Step 1 : Go To The Caldera Forms Admin Page

Starting from the WordPress Dashboard, you can navigate to the Caldera Forms Admin Page by hovering over the Caldera Forms icon and in the drop-down menu clicking on Forms.

Step 2 : Creating A New Form

Create a new form by clicking on New Form in the top Caldera Forms menu bar.

Step 3 : Saving The Form

Save a form by clicking on Save Form in the top Caldera Forms menu bar. If successful, a pop-down notice appears and states “Updated Successfully”.

Step 4 : Previewing The Form

Preview a form by clicking on Preview Form in the top Caldera Forms menu bar. A new browser tab automatically opens while the current form displays on the page.

Please note:

  • Previewing a form is only available to the website administrator.
  • Being in preview mode does not change form behavior. All emails will be sent, all processors will be processed.
  • We recommend that you do your final form testing on a published page using the form’s shortcode while logged out.