Setting Up A Caldera Metaplate

Adding or editing new Caldera Metaplates

Adding or editing new Caldera MetaplatesThe Caldera Metaplate menu is located in the WordPress Appearance menu. From there you can create a new Metaplate by clicking the “Add New” button. This will open a modal where you can give your metaplate a name and slug. Then you will be taken to the Metaplate editor, starting with the “Setup” tab.

In the “Setup” tab, you can edit the name and slug. There is also a checkbox for “autoload.” When this option is not checked, the automatic rendering of this Metaplate is disabled. When checked, you will be shown the PHP function and the shortcode for outputting your Metaplate.

If you do enable “Autoload” your Metaplate will be automatically prepended, appended or outputted in place of post content.  This behavior is controlled by the following three options, which only appear when “Autoload” is enabled:

  • Page Types: Whether this Metaplate should be used for single post view, archive view or both.
  • Placement: Whether this Metaplate should be used in before, after or in place of the post content.
  • Post Types: Which post types to use this Metaplate for.

Other Options

Easily output Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Fields with Caldera MetaPlateIn addition to the setup tab, there are also three additional tabs:

Note that the “CSS” and “Javascript” tabs do not require style or script tags. That will be handled for you automatically.