Accept one time and recurring credit cards payments on your WordPress site using BrainTree.

Accept credit cards on your WordPress site using BrainTree. Create one time credit card payments, as well as subscriptions, memberships and recurring payment plans.
Because this processor can take full advantage of Caldera Form’s powerful conditional logic, it is an excellent tool for WordPress registration forms. When coupled with the users add-on, you can create a registration, login and payment form for events, webinars, eBooks, and other simple eCommerce applications.
- Learn how to configure the BrainTree add-on for Caldera Forms
- Learn how to add recurring payments to your form (requires version 1.2 or later)
Important This payment processor will only work if your site is using HTTPS. Please configure a valid SSL certificate before attempting to use it on a live site. You can use the processor in “sandbox” mode via the insecure HTTP protocol.
* For more details see This offer is provided by BrainTree and they may cancel it at anytime. It is available to US based companies only.