Using Caldera Forms Paginated Queries
How you developers can easily select Caldera Forms entry values by form ID, entry ID or field values or field slug with pagination.
How you developers can easily select Caldera Forms entry values by form ID, entry ID or field values or field slug with pagination.
Caldera Forms Queries is a developer-facing tool for selecting or deleting data from the Caldera Forms database tables, using object-oriented PHP. This library is a composer package, that is included in Caldera Forms 1.7 or later.
What to do if you see the “Form could not be loaded. Contact the site administrator.” message in Caldera Forms. What it means and how to fix it.
Why the Your version of WordPress or PHP is incompatible with Caldera Forms message may show on a Caldera Forms WordPress site instead of the form.
What to do if Caldera Forms admin menu or forms do not show up because WordPress or PHP versions are out of date. Indicated by the “Your version of WordPress or PHP is incompatible with Caldera Forms.” or “Form could not be loaded. Contact the site administrator.” message.
Learn how to setup Caldera Forms to work with WordPress’ GDPR and privacy tools.
The default privacy page URL link for consent fields and magic tags is the WordPress core settings page. You can change this with a filter. GPDR
A filter that is very useful for Caldera Forms add-on developers who wish to modify the form configuration in a way that is not standard for the 1.x form editor.
You can easily delete all saved entries to a Caldera Form by clicking two buttons in the form settings tab.
You can access any previous version of Caldera Forms using WordPress.org or the WP Rollback plugin. Learn how to access old versions of Caldera Forms for download or how to rollback.