Basic Things You Need to Know to Become a WordPress Developer
Do you want to become a WordPress developer? Start by learning these basics: the four languages, Plugin API, and JavaScript events.
Do you want to become a WordPress developer? Start by learning these basics: the four languages, Plugin API, and JavaScript events.
The new add-on Caldera Forms Style Customizer for Divi & Extra gives you total control over the look of your forms — all from the customizer, no CSS required. It’s available today from our site.
In this guide you will learn how to use custom CSS to style field labels in Caldera Forms.
In this tutorial we will be applying a Material Design style to your Caldera Forms. We will add hover shadows, bold colors, as well as a subtle animation to complete the look. You will also learn where to properly insert this custom CSS for your WordPress theme.
Learn how to add custom styles to your Caldera Forms. This tutorial shows you the right way to add custom CSS for your forms. As a practical example, you will learn how to add an opaque background to your forms and make them float over an image.
Learn how to make dramatic custom design changes to your Caldera Forms with CSS. This tutorial will include a background image, a transparent form background, and enhance your radio buttons and checkboxes by importing and applying the Font Awesome icon library.
Where to put custom WordPress code, make sure it works and is secure. Do you use functions.php or a plugin for custom WordPress code?
The internet is full of code snippets you can use to customize your WordPress site? But, do you know what this code does or which language are used & why? Learn what you need to get started using custom code for your WordPress site.