Here at CalderaWP, we are huge fans of FacetWP, an amazing tool for creating faceted search interfaces on your WordPress site. We love it so much, we decided to make it more awesome. Our new tool Clarity for FacetWP simplifies and extends the FacetWP admin.
With Clarity, you never need to write a single line of PHP code to create FacetWP queries or to create a template for FacetWP search results.
But Clarity doesn’t stop there.
Clarity adds a powerful responsive layout builder. With the layout builder, you can put together a complete layout comprised of facets, result templates, facet utilities (order, count and pagination) as well as static HTML content. You can output your layouts with a shortcode or even use them as page templates!
Don’t Have FacetWP? Get A Special Discount!
To celebrate the release of Clarity for FacetWP, you can now get 10% off of FacetWP when you purchase Clarity. This deal is good for one week only, so don’t wait!
[pods name=”download” id=”1427″ ] [/pods]
this looks great – quick question:
there are a ton of options one could edit when working on page templates inWP theming.
If I were to edit a temlplate programmatically through functions or the template itself, will that work with the template editor in clarity – or will one take priority over the other?
It’s sort of odd how it works when it replaces the page template, but it does. I need to write up a tutorial on how David figured out how to make it work. The short version is that at template_include, it switches to the page template that is selected as “base template” in Clarity, and then it sets the modifies the current post object so that post_content is the output of the Clarity layout.
In the end it works very well, but may not be the best option in every case. You can also just use the shortcode “caldera_clarity”.