Make Your Forms Work For You: Announcing FormWorks

FormWorks by CalderaWP Banner


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formworks-main-graphProfessional websites have a purpose. They are designed to generate leads, make sales, or to persuade users to take some sort of other action. Most of the time we measure that success — the conversion rate — based on whether a user filled out a form or not.

But measuring conversion rate isn’t enough. It doesn’t tell you why you didn’t convert. It’s time to change that. FormWorks goes beyond conversion rate — FormWorks is form intelligence.

FormWorks tells you whether a form was even viewed, what fields in the form were engaged, and what field your lost customer was in before they abandoned your form. You will also get engagement broken down based on device type to help you optimize your form for mobile.

Conversion rate is a metric to tell you how much you’re winning in your struggle for conversions. FormWorks tells you why you’re not winning enough yet, and helps you achieve greater victory in the future.

Works With Your Favorite WordPress Form Builder Plugin

Yes, we have a favorite form builder plugin, but we also know the WordPress ecosystem offers tons of great options. FormWorks currently supports the following six form plugins:

  • Caldera Forms
  • Ninja Forms
  • Gravity Forms
  • Formidable
  • Contact Form 7
  • JetPack Contact Form

We are planning on adding support for more form builder plugins, as well as the checkout forms for popular eCommerce plugins soon. Keeping FormWorks cross-plugin compatible will ensure it is a great value for everyone.

Just The Data You Need

formworks-field-dataFormWorks is like Google Analytics for your forms, with only the data you need and a simple interface, all without leaving the WordPress dashboard. Don’t worry, it’s got graphs — line graphs, bar graphs, pie charts. Everyone loves graphs, FormWorks just the right amount of graphs.

Is your conversion rate low because too few site visitors scroll down to your form? FormWorks can tell you that.

Is your conversion rate low because your form is too long or confusing? FormWorks will tell you what fields people engage with and where they abandon your form.

The intelligence you need to make your forms convert

FormWorks is very powerful, but it can not travel through time, yet. The sooner you install FormWorks, the more data you will have collected to help you improve your forms, increase conversions and achieve greater victory.

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