The Caldera Forms Blog

Win The WordPress Visual Editor For Permalinks

We’re so excited about Caldera URL Builder, the visual editor for WordPress permalinks, that we are giving away a developer license for it! Enter to win below, and you could be easily create SEO-friendly permalinks, for each post type on all of your sites, in seconds with your free developer license for Caldera URL Builder.


Two New Caldera Forms Add-ons

Today we are happy to announce the release of two new Caldera Forms add-ons–one for limiting duplicate entries and one to let users mark content as viewed. Beyond being cool tools, they help show the direction we plan to follow with Caldera Forms add-ons.


What, Are You Taking On Gravity Forms?

This company could have been named after my dog Hobbes. Instead its named after a free plugin that our lead developer David Cramer wrote before

Pods -- WordPress custom content types and fields.

Helping Pods Grow

When I talk with new WordPress developers they often ask, “what’s the best way to become a better developer?” I always tell them to get