Preview Of Caldera Forms 1.5
Learn more about the 9 new field types, front-end entry viewer, conditional recipients processor and more that are coming to Caldera Forms soon. Test version 1.5 beta 1 now!
Learn more about the 9 new field types, front-end entry viewer, conditional recipients processor and more that are coming to Caldera Forms soon. Test version 1.5 beta 1 now!
New website, new Caldera Forms update, new stickers. So much new shiny.
Multi-lingual forms, more accessible WordPress forms and more. Four releases and an invitation to enjoy a taco with us at WordCamp US.
Learn how you can use two of our free offerings for the WordPress plugin directory, Caldera Forms 1.4.4 or later and Caldera Forms Translations, to collect user information in multiple languages using one form.
Announcing Caldera Forms PDF: Use form submissions to create PDFs, allowing Caldera Forms to power event tickets, files for user records and more.
Team Caldera’s Christie Chirinos shares her experience speaking at & attending WordCamp Pittsburgh and WordCamp DFW as well as struggling with the TSA in New York’s La Guarida airport.
A focus on the new user experience with a new Getting Started Guide and an even easier to use Caldera Forms.
Two new ways to accent recurring payments and subscriptions with Caldera Forms and a preview of new features.
Caldera Labs announces some updates to Caldera Forms add-ons, including bug fixes and the release of Caldera Members, a membership plugin for WordPress.
June has been a busy month — and we just released three new updates and hope to see you at two events next month.