
Caldera Forms Banner

This filter was added in Caldera Forms 1.4.9

You can use this filter to change the ID attribute for one or more rows of a Caldera Forms grid layout.

This filter exposes 3 parameters:

  • $rowID – This is the ID used for the row.
    • The row’s ID attribute is meaningless to Caldera Forms’ CSS or JavaScript, please feel free to modify to fit your needs.
  • $row – The row number
  • $config – An array of options passed to the Caldera Grid object.
    • Use $config[ ‘form_id’ ] to access the form’s ID.
    • Use $config[ ‘form_id_attr’ ] to access the form’s ID attribute.


Where Does This Code Go?

When using WordPress hooks to customize Caldera Forms or other plugins you should not modify the plugin files, or you will lose your changes when you update the plugin. Instead you should create a small plugin to hold the custom code. It's easy, learn how here.

Technically you can add the custom code to your theme's functions.php, but then you will not be able to change your theme and keep these customizations.

Learn More