Dropdown Select Fields

The dropdown select is for selecting a single option from a list. The configuration panel for the dropdown select field is much the same as all the Select Option types: Auto-Populate and Options.Caldera Forms Dropdown Field Settings


Select Option type fields have an option to auto-populate. These fields can be auto-populated from a data source.

Built in sources are:

  • Post-Type
    This will create an option for every post of the selected type
  • Taxonomy
    This will create an option for every term of the selected type

The auto-populate can be extended using the caldera_forms_render_get_field_type-checkbox filter.

As of Caldera Forms 1.4.3, you can also use the result of an Easy Queries or Easy Pods query for auto-populating select fields.


Options are added an option at a time, or using the bulk inserter.

Bulk inserting opens a textarea. Each line is an option. Clicking insert options creates the list. When using bulk insert, you can insert value and label separated by the | character, not including the bracket.

Caldera Forms Dropdown Field Bulk Options Editor


Caldera Forms Dropdown Field PresetsCountry and State Dropdowns

Caldera Forms comes with preset groups of common dropdowns: country, US state, Canadian province, and continent. To use these presets, scroll all the way to the bottom, and select “Bulk Insert / Preset.” Above the bulk insert, you may select the desired preset.

More Advanced Tutorials

Working With Caldera Forms Select Options

Add Custom Preset Options for Caldera Forms Select Fields

Customizing Auto Populated Field Options In Caldera Forms

Autocomplete Fields