Your Guide To WordPress Translation Plugins With Caldera Forms

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Did you know that over three-quarters of internet users are communicating (and buying) in other languages besides English? Couple that with the fact that 90% of Europeans always visit a website in their own language when given a choice, and having a monolingual website may not make as much sense.

WordPress website owners are increasingly harnessing the power of other languages to access new audiences and expand into different markets. So, if your site is still only in English, you could be missing out on lucrative opportunities, and risk leaving money on the table.

In this post, we’ll discuss why more and more site owners are using WordPress Translation plugins to engage with audiences in their native languages. We’ll also check out a WordPress translation plugin installation, including how to translate your Caldera Forms, to get you up and running in no time.

The Benefits Of Adding A WordPress Translation Plugin

There are plenty of ways your site could benefit from a WordPress translation plugin, but essentially it all boils down to the same point:

Using a WordPress Translation plugin to communicate with new audiences can increase your sales.

Here are three ways your site could benefit from a WordPress translation plugin:

1. Stronger Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Multilingual SEO can bring in much more traffic, making it a huge win for your site.

Not only can International SEO increase your audience base and site domain authority (leading to higher site rankings), it can dramatically increase the visibility of your site. And yes – more site traffic can lead to higher conversions and more money in your pocket.

The population searching for products or services increases when locally-based URLs show up in search results. Tools like Google Market Finder can also help you to check out different markets, and give you a rough idea of audience sizes.

2. Connect With New Audiences

Let’s say your marketing efforts are reaching a wide audience across the US, but engagement isn’t as good as it could be. You decide to dig into your data using Google Analytics, and it turns out a large proportion of site visitors are browsing in Spanish and “bounce” from your English site almost as soon as they arrive!

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After all, why would they make the effort to browse in their second language when a competitor site provides what they need in their native tongue?

In the same vein, if your market research shows good business reasons to expand into, say, France, then it would make sense to translate your site into French first, too.

To engage and convert potential new clients and multilingual visitors, it’s time to consider translating your site (including documentation) into their first language.

3. Increase Conversions To Drive More Sales

WordPress site owners are constantly asking us for the most straightforward and easiest solutions to drive more sales. Successfully expanding your reach on WordPress today presents its own challenges; such as the cultural needs which accompany your new markets.

But adding a WordPress Translation plugin is a remarkably simple way to increase sales for relatively little work; and with some of them, some of the hard work is even automated for you.

Now let’s check out a few of the best plugins on the market today, including different options for different needs.

A Look At Weglot, Your WordPress Translation Plugin

Now that you’re clear on the ins-and-outs of why you should add a WordPress Translation plugin, let’s check out how you can get translation functionality added to your WordPress site.

In this tutorial, we’ll be using the Weglot translation plugin for WordPress. Weglot is one of the best-reviewed WordPress multi-language plugins. It supports 100+ languages, and offers immediate compatibility with any WordPress theme or plugin, including Caldera Forms, Yoast SEO, WooCommerce, and most others!screenshot of Weglot website

As you’ll find out later, integration with plugins like Caldera Forms is easy: it just works.

You also get automatic translations with human editing, making for an easy-to-use and extremely efficient translation workflow. You also have the option to pay for a professional translator instead of doing these yourself.

Weglot is easy-to-use for your visitors, with each language placed into an automatically generated subdirectory – for example /es/ or /fr/ – and a language button (of your own choice) sat in the corner of the page, with hreflang tags added to the <head> section of your site so Google instantly recognizes these.

Weglot offers various tiers, depending on how much traffic comes to your site and the quantity of words/languages you need. The free tier adds one language and up to 2,000 translated words, all the way up to unlimited languages, with 5,000,000 translated words. There’s also a free trial period where you can try out Weglot whilst you get started.

Weglot offers both value-for-money and a great range of services. Make a start with the WordPress plugin here.

Next: Install Your WordPress Translation Plugin

Head to your WordPress Dashboard, and then go to Plugins → Add New. Search for Weglot, then Install → Activate. Click Settings, and follow the prompt to create an account, which you’ll need to do the automatic translations.

Set the original language, and choose one destination language for now. Google Analytics data on where your customers are coming from is great for choosing this.Screenshot of Weglot's main configuration.

Your store needs to remain professional and a trusted place to buy from, so use Weglot’s automatic translations as a start, on a language-by-language basis. We’d recommend getting these checked by a professional to ensure translations are of the highest, native quality. Starting with just one language keeps things simple.

screenshot of Caldera Forms website translated by Weglot

Once you’ve chosen your destination language, set it to your chosen language and save settings. As simple as that!

How To Use Weglot With Caldera Forms

Using the Weglot WordPress Translation plugin with Caldera Forms couldn’t be simpler.

Simply follow the instructions above, and the plugin will automatically translate any content you choose, so just select the text of your choice within the form, et voila!

An example of an automatically-translated Caldera Form.
An example of an automatically-translated Caldera Form.


There are literally no other setting or setup required: everything is done automatically. As with all text translated by Weglot, if you need to review or correct anything you can do so by manually editing the translation (or ordering a professional translation) from the Weglot Dashboard.

Choose The Best WordPress Translation Plugin For Your Needs

Whether you’re targeting audiences which speak minority languages in a huge country where English is the “official” spoken language (the U.S or New Zealand, for example), or smaller markets with massive potential, all the hard graft you put into running your business must reach the right people.

So if, after researching your audience and clients, you find that they’re crying out for a site in their own language; make their buying process as easy and enjoyable as possible!

WordPress Translation plugins such as Weglot are designed to remove the pressure of heavy workloads; automating processes and providing simplicity when you most need it.

Adding multi-language functionality on WordPress provides one of the most cost-effective and simplest ways to grow your business and tap into new markets. With easy integration with your essential plugins – like Caldera Forms – you’ll be winning in no time.

It will also bring you even closer to your chosen audience, strengthening the human face of your online store to bring potential customers even closer for satisfying, long-term relationships.

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