Caldera Forms 1.5.2

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Caldera Forms 1.5.2 has been released with two exciting new features — a resend messages button and UTM fields — as well as some developer-focused features and several bug fixes.

Major ? Exciting New Features

Re-sending Messages

Re-sending messages for saved entries is now possible and simple. Let’s say emails were not sending properly on your site, but you fixed that problem by using Caldera Forms Pro or some other solution. What about the saved Caldera Forms entries you had that didn’t get sent? Click the new “Resend Message” button. The message will be resent. It’s that simple.

BTW, you can change who the message is sent to by editing the saved entry or the form. The conditional recipients logic is also applied. Seriously, this is a really cool new button.

How To Resend Caldera Forms Messages

UTM Fields

This new field type grabs all UTM tags for Google Analytics tracking or other uses and saves them in one convenient field. When you add a UTM Field to your form, all of the UTM tags on the page your form is loaded will be visible in the entry viewer and you can add them to the email if you wish.

UTM Fields


Other New Features

In addition to those two major features, there are is a new magic tag and a few developer-focused features and enhancements.

Bugs Fixed

  • Select fields without values shown get non-unique values error
  • Calculation value setting for checkboxes was not respected.
  • Form wrap ID postfix was never less than 2.
  • Defaults set from magic tags were not setting select field defaults properly.
  • Range sliders on page 2 or greater were not respecting their default value properly.
  • HTML fields live preview didn’t respect line breaks from textarea (paragraph) fields
  •  In some cases phone fields could be submitted empty.
  • File fields were getting an extra outline because form-control class was added when it shouldn’t have been.
  • In entry list, checkbox fields were not being transformed from JSON.
  •  Extra empty option select (dropdown) fields
  • Forms showed inactive state error when after being reactivated.
  • Toggle-switches were not using calculation values on server-side.
  • Missing translation string functions in form templates
  • Missing translation text domain for mailer from name default setting.