Caldera Forms 1.7.0

The words "GDPR Privacy Tools" written over an image of a volcano

Caldera Forms 1.7.0 is now available. This release introduces new GDPR compliance tools. This is also our first release to require PHP 5.6 as a hard requirement for the free version. This release also has a lot of new developer APIs that helped with the GDPR compliance tools that can also be used by site and add-on developers and we are excited to use to improve the plugin.

In addition to these new features, we have fixed several bugs, including conflicts with WooCommerce.

GDPR Compliance Tools

The primary focus of Caldera Forms 1.7 is GPDR compliance tools. For a complete list of all GDPR compliance tools that are included or planned to be included in Caldera Forms, visit our GDPR overview page.

Hard Version Requirements

As we announced in March, Caldera Forms 1.7 supports PHP 5.6 or later only. If your version of PHP is out of date, Caldera Forms will not fully load.

In previous versions of Caldera Forms, no WordPress version limit was enforced. Caldera Forms has grown more and more reliant on the WordPress REST API, which was merged in version 4.7 of WordPress. To prevent errors, Caldera Forms 1.7 will not load the full plugin if your version of WordPress is less than 4.7.

New Developer APIs

The GDPR API documentation has been updated to help with custom GDPR exporters. Under the hood, these APIs use a new class for paginated queries and a new query builder tool. Both are helpful for custom site development and add-on development.

Other Changes In Caldera Forms 1.7.0
